Business name:Newon PK
Company description:
Newon PK is an online shopping store in Pakistan Newon PK offering best online LED Lights Lighting Fixtures and other Lighting Products. Newon PK educate the customers about the lighting products and their uses, bringing all the new lighting products online with a mission to form long-lasting relationships with the customers and provide solutions to their lighting and decorating needs through quality products and services. Buy the best quality lighting products Online in Pakistan at Best Prices, Free Shipping, 100% Return within 10 days and Cash on Delivery!
Company activities:
Online LED lights, lighting fixtures, decorative lights, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, lighting products, online shopping
Date posted / updated:05/10/2020
User - registered since:05/10/2020
Added under the name:Newon PK ∣ online LED lights in Pakistan ∣ Lighting Fixtures ∣ Decorat
Posted in category:Electronics, home electronicsElectronics
Territory / Province:Islamabad Capital TerritoryDistrict:Zone 2
Statistics:4185 impressions / 549 visits