Frequently asked questions
On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions, which in many cases will help you to resolve potential problems with portal services.
I have forgotten my login data. ☒
I cannot log in. ☒- When logging in please check whether your web browser supports cookies and whether they are enabled (if not, make the necessary adjustments in settings, or try another browser). When you enter your login name/password, please check for accented characters or if CAPS LOCK is turned on. Please beware typos.
How can I delete my classified ad / ads? ☒
- If you have added the classified ad as a logged in user, you can delete it after logging in - using the administrator’s interface - "My" ("Your confirmed classified ads" / "Your unconfirmed classified ads").
- If you added the classified ad as a logged out user and entered your e-mail address when adding the classified ad, follow here: I want to delete my classified ad (added without login).
- If you added the classified ad as a logged out user and DID NOT enter your e-mail address when adding the classified ad, such classified ad cannot be deleted by you before its validity terminates. The classified ad will be automatically deleted after the period of validity, specified by you, has elapsed. However, if you must delete such classified ad, you must send an SMS message with the code of the classified ad to this telephone number: +421 907 526 601. The code of the classified ad can be found on the details page of your classified ad. Your SMS message must be sent from the same telephone number as you entered when you added the classified ad, otherwise the classified ad will not be deleted.
How can I update my classified ad / ads? ☒
- If you have added the classified ad as a logged in user, you can update it after logging in - using the administrator’s interface - "My" ("Your confirmed classified ads" / "Your unconfirmed classified ads").
- If you have added the classified ad as a logged out user, you cannot update your classified ad. Only classified ads added by a registered and logged in user of the portal can be updated. Unregistered users can only delete classified ads.
My classified ad was rejected / deleted, but the portal shows similar classified ads. ☒- The rules of the portal are continually updated in order to prevent unsuitable classified ads from being added. Therefore, if the portal contains similar classified ads as your rejected / deleted classified ad, such classified ads were probably accepted before the introduction of a new rule. When using the portal you are obliged to adhere to the current portal rules.
My classified ad was deleted before its validity had expired. ☒- Your classified ad was deleted by the admin due to one of the following reasons: the classified ad violated the classifieds posting rules of the portal; the classified ad was in contradiction with good manners; the classified ad was added twice (multiple times) during a period shorter than 30 days.
How to advertise successfully on the internet? ☒- Most of Internet users search exactly for what they need to buy through Internet search engines or through a search form directly on the page of our portal. If you want your classified ad to be successful, we offer you some advice: Advertise successfully.
How to buy or sell through the Internet? How to prevent fraud? ☒- We do not guarantee you the content of advertisements and therefore we recommend a couple of tips in order for you to be sufficiently careful when buying or selling through the Internet. The following recommendations are of informational nature only and provide absolutely no guarantee.
Continue here: How to buy or sell.
How much does it cost to post a classified ad on the portal: ☒
- Posting classified ads is free for all, i.e. citizens, private persons and firms all can add their classified ads completely free of charge! There are no fees!
- Similarly, adding an online shop listing into the list of online shops and adding a company listing to the list of companies is completely free of charge.